Sunday, December 16, 2007

Blog Worthy??

Just recovering from a scary few days ... including a stay in hospital. Tom had his first fit on Thursday teatime, then another Friday morning and a third Friday lunch time. We took him to the docs after the first one, who suspected it was fever connected and sent us home. On Friday morning having lulled me into a false sense of security him seeming considerable more perky than the day before, Tom repeated exactly what had happened the previous evening. The real scare was at lunchtime though - I've never seen such a strong reaction to Bongela...but seriously he had a full on shaking fit and turn blue. As I am sure you would imagine I called 999 and the ambulance soon arrived - they were amazing, and quickly had Tom looking a more normal shade and it was off to hospital ... I won't bore you with the details needless to say spending even 24 hours in hospital was way too much for me.
Probable cause high temp = febrile convulsions, but they have done some test as to have 3 in such a short space of time is quite unusual.

Today ... just 24 hours later - well see for yourself

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