Sunday, December 30, 2007


Well what can I say really other than a fab time was had by all, even thought Tom is/was still suffering rather (thank goodness for pelican bibs - catch everything ... i'll leave it to your imagination!). Beth finally seems sold on the Turkey thing, although wasn't so keen on the lamb! The big people's fav. Christmas meal - had to be the Chinese takeaway - apologies to all the cooks - nothing personal, although Alan your onion gravy definitely deserves a mention! Enjoyed church on Christmas morning, true PVC style, outside in the market square - rain and all!! Was excellent though. I'll leave you with a few pictures, oh and my best bit ... Beth asking when she could get a real magic wand as the one she got for Christmas must only be pretend as I (mummy) was still there and she was trying to magic me away!!

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Blog Worthy??

Just recovering from a scary few days ... including a stay in hospital. Tom had his first fit on Thursday teatime, then another Friday morning and a third Friday lunch time. We took him to the docs after the first one, who suspected it was fever connected and sent us home. On Friday morning having lulled me into a false sense of security him seeming considerable more perky than the day before, Tom repeated exactly what had happened the previous evening. The real scare was at lunchtime though - I've never seen such a strong reaction to Bongela...but seriously he had a full on shaking fit and turn blue. As I am sure you would imagine I called 999 and the ambulance soon arrived - they were amazing, and quickly had Tom looking a more normal shade and it was off to hospital ... I won't bore you with the details needless to say spending even 24 hours in hospital was way too much for me.
Probable cause high temp = febrile convulsions, but they have done some test as to have 3 in such a short space of time is quite unusual.

Today ... just 24 hours later - well see for yourself

Sunday, December 02, 2007

Christmas ... a Beth's Eye View

Not sure how well you can see this but Beth added a 'I did it' sticker to our nativity angel - thought it was rather apt .... popped back later only to find ....

...more stickers had been awarded - kings/wise men - I did it and I'm proud', 'This was fun' and 'I tried hard', Shephard: 'I've finished' and Joseph: 'I'm clever'. The baby Jeusu also got a sticker for eating all his dinner - yet another excuse to get Beth out of eating - 'I can't come to the table yet I'm feeding baby Jesus.'

Tom on the other hand has finally mastered pulling himself up, standing and generally moving about ...

....and clearing the bookshelf...

...Little people - they're great!!

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Outward Focused Church

So a couple of weekends ago I was lucky enough to escape the madness of the family and go over to Northern Ireland (Dungannon to be more specific) to take part in an Outward Focused Church conference (phew what a long sentence!!). Six of us from church made the trip which was frankly fantastic. The main speaker was a guy called Dave Workman from Cincinnati Vineyard (check out and he brought a few of his team with him. What was it all about? That's definitely a real conversation not for blogging!! What's the main thing I got out of it ... that I really want to go skydiving!! (Long story!).

Photos are of the Giant's Causeway where we got to go on the Sunday afternoon having spied on (and took over!) Causeway Coast Vineyard.

Monday, October 29, 2007

Sheffield (or Shefftown as Will calls it!!)

So we went to Sheffield - yay, and without the little people... weird parallel universe thing going on as when we were in Sheffield we didn't have the little people so it was strangely right to be there without them!! (Does that make any sense??) .

Well the best thing was of course staying with the gorgeous Ro and Pete - thanks guys you are amazing, but just having time and space (particularly of the head kind) to chat, and ponder was amazing. And did I mention the walking - me thinks an hour and half into town is a little excessive from Walkley, but as we had to go via Crookes and the new Starbucks (opposite the newly open Western Park museum) what can I say!!

Best food ... HaHa all the way (no offense goodly hosts) Nachos to die for, followed by a delicious steak sandwich. Got to play guess who (of the Radio One variety) having spotted a famous face in the winter gardens - what else do you want to know .... excellent, excellent, excellent!
Liking this poem in said winter gardens by the way - good one Mr McGough!

Monday, October 22, 2007

Tom Turns One

Flip me - so who would have believed it - Tom has reached one already - where did the year go!!!

Tom's offical birthday was on Wednesday and we did manage a few presents - but to be honest he wasn't really all that interested ... Saturday though marked the party ... a family affair on the whole which Tom enjoyed,

although the whole present thing still wasn't of great interest! He didn't mind them when they were unwprapped mind you Beth was more than happy to oblige!

Weatherwise - who would believe it was October - the girls certainly made the most of it.

And the cake? An elephant (Tom's favourite) and fantatstic even if I do say so myself!

Thursday, October 11, 2007

The Ball

So from a crazy idea back in May a ball is born (well more of a posh party really!) Armed with nothing more than ideas of what we don't want and excellent team work we sprang in to action - albeit 3 months later and just 5 weeks from the event!! The idea to hold a posh party for 120 people, live band, three course meal, champagne wine and in the process make some money for Water Aid - mad - well on occasions it felt a bit like it.
But over all it was an amazing experience, that went unbelievably well and left us in the difficult position of folk asking when the next one would be!!! Highlights - so many ... but Will singing was definitely one of them.

Monday, September 17, 2007


Things here good - all settling into the new routine. I am back working Monday, Tuesday Wednesday which my brain seems to really like and Will is embarking on the craziness that is being at home with the little people on a Tuesday - so far he is doing an EXCELLENT job, admittedly he did take Beth to the wrong pre-school session the first week - but then to be fair I did assure him it was in the morning, even though he was convinced it was in the afternoon!! That'll be my mistake then!!

Managing to fill our weekends up nicely, as is true of the evenings, but do manage to all be in the same space once in a while ... as is recorded in only our 2nd full family photo!!

Thursday, September 06, 2007

Beach 'Tastic

Managed to squeeze in three hols this summer (including New Wine see below) two of them becoming rather beach focused .. I marvel at what is the British offering for the beach - actually I think I should call it the 'Sea-side' because its just not in the same league as our Mediterranean neighbours ... here are just a few of the gorgeous sights ... that all said we did have an amazing few weeks!

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Cool Cats

Here they are, in all their glory (Ashley - top, then Benjamin) - indeed very gorgeous and still (I say still - Tom loves to grab at them!) incrediby friendly.