Thursday, April 24, 2008


Well the last few months haven't been without there drama - as I know loads of you are aware and thanks again for all your messages, cards, calls etc. For those of you we didn't manage to get to - Tom has been diagnosed with epilepsy.

All started the Tuesday before Easter when he had 2 seizures in quick succession, he'd had 3 back in December so we roughly knew how it went, but also knew that 2 together wasn't great, so the ambulance was called and off to hospital we went. Tom was checked over and it was decided they were febrile (due to high temp) so we were discharged with a consultant appointment and the instructions not to worry about it, unless he had a seizure longer than five minutes. As soon as we got home, Tom had a 5 and a half minute seizure - again we called an ambulance and back we were in hospital. That night wasn't too bad, but from the Wednesday morning Tom started fitting every 2/3 hours, day and night - to say it was a scary time would be an understatement. Probably the lowest point was when he lost the use of his right arm and his speech became slurry. However, Easter Sunday evening the fitting stopped, and although we were in hospital until the Wednesday Tom made an incredible recovery, and has been getting better and better since. He is still on meds (but only one lot at present) and these seem to keep him fit free. The downside is that we just found out they could be affecting his liver function (he has to have blood tests every other week and the last lot show a slight problem).

Where too from here? Well we are trying to keep things as normal (an interesting word to use in the Makower house!) as possible and enjoying life as much as we can ... amazing how dealing with a very sick small person focus your mind on what's important.

Oh and if that wasn't enough amidst it all B' got glasses ... doesn't she look fab :-)

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