Monday, August 06, 2007

New Wine

Well we can't say it wasn't muddy and we did have the odd spot of rain, but considering what the weather has been like (and all the looks of disbelief from those that we told we were camping for our hols) ... we had excellent conditions for living under canvass (and all have the golden glows to prove it!).

In fact we had a fab time all round ... and for those of you reading this - come back later i'll get Will to add more words - but for now i'll add the pics (check out more via facebook)...

...Will's later!...Yep, we had an excellent week, not without its fair share of challenges obviously, what with a 3 year old live wire like Beth and a 9/12 month old expert bottom shuffler Tom to contend with. However, once we'd got our heads round it all and had found a groove, it was fab! In fact, by the end of New Wine LSE (London and South East) week, we were even saying how we could have done with an extra week there, cause by the end of the week we had it all sussed!

Our average day at New Wine would look something like this:

6/6.30 a.m. Get up I would get up early when Tom was ready for a change of scene and wander round the site, sometimes with Beth, sometimes without depending on whether she'd woken up too at that point.

7.30/7.45 a.m. Breakfast back at the village and the others from PVC (Potton Vineyard Church) who we'd gone with would gradually surface - The Burkes, The Powells, The Pickerings!

8.45 a.m. Gather up the small people plus relevant buggy and belongings, and trapse on down to Gems (0-2s Creche) for Tom and Pebbles (3-4s) for Beth

9.15 a.m. Morning Main Session we'd go to Venue 2, where either Nigel Briggs or Eoghan Heaslip would lead the sung worship, and Rick Olmstead would speak on 'No longer waiting on the world to change'. All great stuff

10.30 a.m. Coffee Break We'd go collect the kids and catch our breath, sometimes grab coffee and cake as is makower family tradition

11.15 a.m. 1st Seminar One of us would head off to a seminar whilst the other looked after the little ones


12.30 p.m. Lunch We'd then do a swap for 1 of the

2.30-3.30 p.m. or 4-5 p.m. Seminars 2 & 3 sessions in the afternoon

Regular Grandma Intervals! Beth would also pop over to see Grandma at various times across the day/week, or else Grandma (Noel) would come and find us instead!

Breaks! Obviously in general coffee breaks and mealtimes were great opportunities to stock up and chew the cud on what God's up to amongst other things

5.00 p.m. Dinner, and then bedtime for Beth and Tom (took several nights to persuade Beth to go to sleep without kicking up a storm!)

7.00 p.m. Evening Main Session I'd wander down for the sung worship, then grab a drink and snack and head back to base

7.45 p.m. Ema and I would both listen to the talk from Venue 1 broadcast on New Wine Radio. We were very grateful for the kind loan of the Burkes caravan at those times, especially if it was cold or (occasionally) wet.

9.00 p.m. The last phase of the evening/day would involve other folks trickling out of the main meeting ministry times and we'd chat and hang out till bedtime!

Late! Some would take the opportunity to savour the late night entertainments too!

In summary, we had an amazing time spent with God and each other, and wouldn't have missed it for the world!

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