Monday, January 01, 2007


All in all a splendid time was had by us Makowers, although it did seem to last forever . . . Beth opened her first present on Friday 22nd and then just kept going until the 28th ... scary stuff.

Despite being a whole year older than last year (odd how that happens), she still seems to have no concept of Father Christmas, or why we were giving/receiving presents. I don't think it is because we have failed as parents, but it does seem a bit strange. Maybe she's just blase about the materialism, has already grasped the deeper meaning of Christmas, and we should just count our blessings!

Alan working on the traditional Rhodes family Christmas puzzle . . . finally completed by . . . . Ema!!!! (I'll post the solution if you ask nicely Alien!)

Thomas obviously had a whale of a time at 2 months, ripping open all his pressies and scoffing himself stupid with chocs(!)

Notes to self for next year:

  • if staying overnight, take pyjamas for small people;
  • don't forget presents for important family members;

  • church twice in one day isn't necessary (at Christmas);

  • it doesn't matter how big your car/house is, it's still always full!

  • no amount of camera skill can account for poor subjects!

Ema's Mum and brother (proabably only here for a limited amount of time - that is until my mum sees it! )

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