Wednesday, September 27, 2006


Saturday was one truly awesome day spent at worshipcentral, a new school of worship to train and equip worship leaders, musicians and worshippers. Led by Tim Hughes, worshipcentral is based at Holy Trinity Brompton and run in partnership with Soul Survivor.

It worked really well on a few different levels. Just the worship times themselves were full-on, passionate, spacious and vibrant. The ministry times were profound and powerful. The talks and seminars were thought provoking. The chance for the group of us that went to hang out and get to know each other better (particularly during the extended meal breaks) was great. The opportunity to re-connect with others across the worship music scene was really encouraging.

I think the vision for it is amazing and the whole dynamic of having a gathering of worshipping community is incredibly powerful and something God loves and shines on I think. It feels like God's doing a new thing across all the divides of denomination, movements etc and it's really exciting and a priviledge to be a part of it all.

The atmosphere of 850 worshipper's hearts all joining as one in praise to God was just electric and so totally Spirit-filled. It felt like home and a place where you could really be free and God could 'take the shackles off your feet so you could dance'! I absolutely loved it and so did the 6 others from the Potton Vineyard Church music worship team that i brought along. We all came home buzzing, all fired up, inspired, challenged and motivated afresh.

Check out

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